Sunday 21 October 2012


Continuing on from our Alphabet Soup brief we were further asked to select one out of the five designs we had produced and develop it on Adobe Illustrator using the pen tool to make it into a vector. After being taught the basic skills (such as how to use the pen tool and how to live trace curved lines) necessary on Adobe illustrator in our tutorials we were asked to create the full alphabet on Adobe Illustrator. The alphabet could either be upper or lower case, however the only restriction within this brief was that we were only allowed to apply one colour to the typeface out of CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow or key).   

The design that I chose from the five produced from the previous brief:

The reason I decided to go for this design is firstly because it was the design that was selected as one of the five from the entire year group critic, it was left on the wall and my peers thought that it represented my word 'Layers' very well, and secondly because I felt the design seemed simplistic enough for me to apply the basic skills I had on Illustrator along with it having enough detail to be aesthetically pleasing. 

During the design process I felt that it was beneficial for me to work six letterforms onto one page as it gave me a larger canvas to work on in order to make sure anchor points and pathways were being located in the correct areas and joining at the correct points. 

After producing the entire upper case alphabet I decided to place all of the letterforms together on one page in order to see how the typeface worked as a set, as you can see from this image below I have kept the colour as black (key) whilst constructing the typeface:

After reflecting upon the design I came to a realisation after looking at the set of letterforms and revisiting them on a number of occasions that some of the letters were not so legible in comparison to others. As they have geometric basis I thought that maybe if I changed the colour used for the typeface it would make some letters more visible thus more legible and readable. 

After changing the colour of the typeface to magenta as we were only allowed to apply one colour (this was one of the deliverable requirements I found that the piece seemed a lot better in black (key), the reason behind is this is to due to the fact that the block coloured areas that the magenta had been applied to seemed to heavy and disoriented the shape of the letterforms and the degraded the structure of the letterform further reducing the legibility, therefore I decided to revert the typeface back into black (key). 


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