Sunday 21 October 2012

Applying our typeface to an existing product-LOGO DESIGN

Continuing on from our previous task, we were asked to apply our typeface which we had recently created to an existing product/piece of packaging. This product/packaging could be anything our choice, however our typeface must fit the and work well with the packaging that had been selected. As my typeface is fairly bulky I didn't see it fitting into most daily products such as: washing liquid bottles, perfume bottle, cereal box or anything similar. However after searching for packaging on the internet I came across this chocolate biscuit brand which is fairly known, in the UK and abroad now.


First step that I took to applying my typeface to the 'Mikado' logo was to hand draw the type on paper, however during hand drawing the type I accidentally positioned the 'A' too much to the right not leaving the 0.5cm distance between the 'K' and 'A', instead the distance between the two characters ended up being 1cm, however I decided to continue to draw the type and not waste time reproducing it.

From this point onwards I decided to continue to construct the logo by adding the round circular shape into the background of the type, after applying this it further came to my realisation that the application of the colour highlighted the gap between the 'K' and the 'A' even more. 

I then decided to edit the spacing between each character in order to create visual equality between each character within the logo, once doing this i increased the brightness and contrast of each layer to make the logo visibly stronger and increase the legibility.

Once dropping the red circular shape into the background of the image I had to get rid of the redness in-between where the characters intersected the red background. Although I have created this by hand and fulfilled the task requirements I intend to take this design into Adobe Illustrator once I have adapted to the functions on illustrator and developed my skills using the program. 

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