Sunday 21 October 2012

Adobe Illustrator Tutorial

At the beginning of our Illustrator tutorial we were first of all taught the how to set up a 'new canvas art board' I order to start creating a new vector design. We then moved onto learning the basic tools on illustrator such a as the pen tool:

Using tool along with following instructions on the guidance sheet we were asked to simply use the tool to produce the simplistic shapes and curves from the guidance sheet.

As you can see from above we started by producing simplistic shapes such as the star and circle this was to help us get use to drawing straight line and then get us practising how to formulate a curved line. 

After this task we were asked to load this letterform 'g' which had been put on the college system prior to the session, we were then asked to simple apply our new found skills using the pen tool and simple make the letterform into a vector. 

(The template letterform we were given)

(These are all the anchor point which I used to produce my letterform as we can see I used a fair few)

This was my final outcome from applying the pen tool to the letterform, as we can see from the previous image I did used a fair few anchor points therefore the curves on the actual 'g' did turn out fairly rough, I do admit I am not completely happy with this however practising this tool on other curves will improve this. 

After this task we were them shown how to use the 'blend tool', firstly we were asked to create a simple shape of our choice, the size wasn't really necessary the only requirement was for it to be of a reasonable size not to big.  

We then had to plot another shape on the art board this would be the second point in which the blend would lead to and end at. 

We them selected the blend tool which the the one which highlighted on the image above, it consists of a square, rectangle and circle shape logo.

We then selected a corner of each shape and dragged the tool from one corner to another to create this layered type of vector form. After doing so we selected and added colour to the the two shapes. 

Here are some examples of the application of the blend tool:

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