Saturday 1 December 2012

HOW TO...Get people to recycle

Once carrying out research into our groups given theme which was recycling and creating design direction boards to present our findings we then moved onto a given brief which built on this. The 'How to...' brief required us to identify a problem from our individual research and provide and answer for it in an engaging manner. During our group critique we were given 'How to get people to recycle' as the problem to solve visually.

The mandatory requirements for this brief are to include design development, solutions and contextualisation through showing photographic documentation, the deliverables being a clearly defined resolution in an appropriate media format in a five minute presentation that clearly communicates solution.

Once been given the brief we gathered as a group to decide which direction we should take in accordance to the brief, which pathway would be the most relevant and exploratory. After gathering as a group and discussing ideas we decided to go ahead with my area with recycling that i had researched which was 'Recycling campaigns'.


After decigin upon our direction we then collated ideas upon how we could engage people into becoming more aware of recycling and engage more with the activity, at first we found it fairy difficult to bounce ideas around as the subject area was fairly dull. However after looking back at the design direction boards that I produced on recycling campaigns we found that a couple of the unofficial recycling campaign designs seemed a lot more effective than the official campaign designs.

This design shown above is clearly a lot more effective in comparison to something sleek and simple, the reason behind this design being more effective is due to brand recognition, when the audience look at this image they immediately related it to coca cola thus the idea of 'keep it going recycle' is absorbed much more by the audience. After identifying that large brands have a greater influence on society we decided that getting people to recycle would become increasingly easier if these companies got involved with promotion and helping the campaigning aspect of recycling. 

Therefore in response to the brief given we decided that presenting the campaign 'Recycle Now' and teaming up large brands would be the way forward in terms of 'getting people to recycle' and promoting recycling. 

As a group we produced this spider diagram in order to get our initial ideas upon the idea formed on paper, the first thing we did was to decide on the brands that could help promote recycling to do so we looked at the most influential brands in the consumer industry at this current moment in time. We collective decided (design decision) on the following brands to be the most influential:
  • NIKE
As there was five members of our group we decided that five brands we relevant as we could all take on one brand each.

  • COCA COLA - Lizzy 
  • APPLE - Me
  • NIKE - Caitlin 
  • ADIDAS - Oli (Caitlin took on adidas as a second brand as Oli was unable to do so)
  • TESCO - Laura 
The first steps we took from here onwards was to research into our specific brand the main things we were looking for were:
  • The brands current participation in recycling and raising the awareness of it.
  • How effectively the brand promoted and contributes to recycling.
  • How the awareness is advertised and inputted within the brands current advertising.
  • How accessible and user friendly there contribution is online.
In order to distribute work equally we decided to take on one brand each as mentioned above, my brand to research was Apple.

The first step I took into researching into Apple's contribution into recycling was to access there website and see if there was anything evident on there homepage as I and my group were not aware that Apple had any sort of recycling campaign. As we can see from the screenshot taken above from Apple's homepage there is no link or section relating to recycling. 

The overall aesthetics of the page seemed to very minimalistic and objective in terms of what they are trying to sell, the focal point is in the centre of the page which is the new ipad. After looking at the different tabs. links and areas I could click on I found that I was not able to find anything to do with recycling on their homepage or drop down menu from any of the tabs on the bar at the top.

After searching for a while I physically had to type in 'recycling' in the search bar at the top right hand side of the page. As we can see Apple did seem to show some kind of contribution to recycling once the menu had loaded, one of the options leading to Apples 'Recycling programme'. Being a current and large user of Apple products I found this fairly startling that Apple had some sort of contribution to recycling as I had never heard of seem of them advertising and promoting that they have this programme.

I found that the programme is called the 'reuse and recycle programme', the programme encourages people to bring in there old electrical's such as laptops, ipods, old computers, mp3 players etc. Apple technicians test these products to see if they have any monetary value and if they do then the they credit your bank account if the product does not have any monetary value then Apple offer to recycle these products for free responsibly. 

Although the website seems not to have any indication to this programme I then decided to go onto Google and physically type in 'Apple- recycling.

As we can see from this screenshot Apple do seem to have a link which directs users to the 'Reuse and recycle ' section of there website. In comparison to going on there main website and having to type 'reycycling' into the search bar it seems to be much more obvious that they do have a contribution to recycling when searching on Google.


Although there is not a broad and depth range of research on Apple I feel that there is enough evidence to draw to a conclusion that Apple are more conscientious about there simple and minimalistic image when it comes to advertising and marketing thus there contribution to recycling and the awareness that they raise is minimal. There seems to only be a small section on there website related to recycling and how there consumer could get involved and contribute to recycling. 


After researching our chosen brands we then discussed the pathway we could take based on current recycling schemes and advertising campaigns the brands have and the ideas that we have. As we were looking at the different brands and there advertising campaigns we found that they were fairly simplistic and organic in there form there was a formality to their design development. 

We decided on going for a simplistic look which was evident in its communication and sharp in its form. One member of group suggested 'why don't we use the products which the brands represent as there main point of recycling'. 

So we made a list if the products we could use to shape the logo of each brand. 

  • COCA COLA - Bottles and drink cans  
  • APPLE - Electrical products 
  • NIKE - Trainers and shoes 
  • ADIDAS - Sports clothing 
  • TESCO - Food 

As my brand was Apple my first point of call was was to collect as many electrical products I could and form the Apple logo, below is a selection of images that I took in the form form of a contact sheet:


Out of the selection of images in the contact sheet above I decided to go with this one shown above due to the fact that the lighting was not to orange, the background seemed white enough to manipulate and all the electrical's were in there correct place.  

The first step I took was to crop the image to get rid of any of the floor/ground areas that had been captured in the image, I also used the content aware tool to get rid of any overlap marks of the A2 sheets of paper that I had as the background.

I started off by using the magic wand tool to select the top of the logo, however as the wires/cables were separate I found it difficult to select the area I needed there i had to use to magnetic lasso tool to draw around the selected area.

After carrying out the previous process I then dragged the two selected areas onto a A2 document. However I found that in certain areas such as in the right hand side at the top where there is a macbook cable the paper background still seemed to be visible.

In order to get rid of this white spacing I had to use the magic wand tool to select certain areas along with the eraser tool. Followed by inputting the typography that one of my group members had produced to consistently put on each of the posters.








In our presentation which has been shown in screenshots below we included the areas of research that we first all started to explore during design direction board stage, followed by our initial research of our designated brands which we individually presented the reading upon, our target audience in which we could aim at if this campaign and idea went live, a brief background on 'Recycle Now' who are the organisation we were representing. Along with our final outcomes and how we got there followed by  concertina which we produced with offers and incentives from the brands shortly followed by a web page design. 

Although I am not explaining each slide on our presentation I feel that it is fairly self explanatory and I would just be repeating the content on the each slide.

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