Wednesday 5 December 2012

Design Process Workshop -02/12/2012

Following on from this idea of 'What is research?' we were put in our groups which we have been working in on the theme task of recycling which we were given.

Based on this idea of research we were asked to collate 10 reasons to why research is essentially important to informing design. Below is my copy of the written list that my group created on a A2 sheet of paper to as why we thought research is essentially important to informing design.

As we can see from this list above some of the reason we have thought of overlap into one another for various reasons however we have put these as separate points as we feel they are important to identify and mention to as why they specially influence the informing of design. Along with identifying the reason we were also asked to identify why this was important. Our group thought of these 10 reasons based upon the research we had carried out prior to this group task and over the first term of the course.

Our second task was to identify 10 research methods which could create a berth of resource material/information. This list consists of primary and secondary research along with specific examples as to what the form would be and how you would conduct/carry it out. 

From the previous list we then we were then asked using these 'research methods' to create a list that would be the outcomes from these methods. As you can see we have worked down from our previous list and based upon them points we have chronologically created the list based upon this. 

We then as a large group listed made a collective list of our suggestions as you can see from above the list we create as a group was a lot more diverse and ideas varied. 

After carrying out this task we then moved onto listing things that restrict/stop you from researching. As you can see I have started to create this list based on problems that have restricted and stopped me from researching so far, although I haven't completed this list one of the main factors is time.  

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