Wednesday 12 December 2012

Design Process session - 10/12/12

During Monday mornings briefing we were set our new brief during this briefing we were given a theme in which was a starting point to our research,  the theme I was given was 'Morecambe & Wise', after been given our starting points we were given two hours to collate as much background reading upon this theme as possible. 

After collecting our research asked to select 10 interesting things about our thing and list them in our design process workshop.

My list of 10 interesting things about Morecambe & Wise

After doing so we then as a group of 10 briefly presented our 10 interesting things about our theme to each other in order to get a feel towards the subject area each of us had been given to explore.

After doing so we were then set a task as a group to identify how many of our 10 interesting things were facts and how many were opinion. 


Most people thought that they had facts, however after looking at the sources of findings and looking at the research methods used when researching it seemed that although we thought these were facts they could also be subjective opinions posted on the internet in which we had used to source this data. 

After carrying out this task we then moved onto making a list of the different research methods we had used as a group to collate our research on our given themes.

Based on this list we then listed the forms of source material we gathered from carrying out these research methods.

Looking at this information it is evident that there are more ways to carry our research and gain source material than we previously thought, as an entire group we managed to identify five different forms of source material and within these we managed to identify what kind of material we would be able to produce. 

From this we then identified 'problems when we researched today'.

Then as a entire group carried out the same task followed by ways to overcome these limitations when researching:


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