Sunday 11 November 2012


Following on from 'Message & Delivery: Research' where we had to select a article and visually research into it we were set a brief following on from this task where we were asked to extract and apply the body of research we had already produced. As seen further down on my Practice blog along with the full body of research which is available on my Context blog I decided to research into a political based article which simply radiated the current dilemma of 'David Cameron and the increase in the 'EU budget'. Once progressing into the research stages I found myself spiralling into different directions.

The task we have been set following on from this previous research brief is to 'produce a set of three high impact posters that deliver a personal identified message derived from your research', the basic task is to produce a set of three posters, the first being purely type based the second being purely image based and the third consisting the combination both of type and image. 

The basic guidelines that we have to follow for this brief is that the final outcome has to be of 420mm by 210mm size (each poster) and only use two colours, the outcome must be in print format and be backed up by a body of visual variations. 

The first step was to identify what we wanted to communicate from the body of research that we had produced to do so we were given a sheet (shown below) to help us identity the statement/ question that we wanted to communicate along with the tone of voice that the series would take followed by our target audience (as it is fairly obvious the tone of voice would be dependent on the target audience and vice-versa).

Identifying the message of communication: 

After reflecting on the possible routes/ messages I could possibly communicate to my target audience (the government and politicians and also the general public who are being made aware of these statistics), I have decided to go communicate to the audience (the audience being politicians and also the general public) to 'conserve' government spending rather than to cut from budgets such as: healthcare, education etc. 

After deciding what I wanted to communicate from my body of research and knowledge so far  I moved onto producing design sheets to on A2 sized paper, in order to roughly draw the ideas that for each of the three types of poster design we had to produce. I generated 20 designs (10cm x 20cm) for each of the types of posters (image, type, image + type) we were required to deliver making drastic and minimal changes to each design. As you can see from the images below I have made certain decisions on layout, composition, application of colour and other critical factors. 

In terms of colour on the brief it stated that we were only allowed to use two colours plus a chosen type of stock, I decided to use blue and red (two primary colours) as it directly links into this idea of Britain and connotes the core concept of British politics. 


Design decisions made:

  • To generate idea for type poster decided to start off by focusing on layout and ways to compose the type, the boxes represent the where the type will be positioned however in actual design this will not be visible.  
  • Chart type of layered design , this is a connotation of the budget in visual form, how much the budget has been cut to.
  • After looking at layout I decided to select the most successful few and further develop using the actual specific typography which I wanted to use.

Design decisions made:

  • I found that due to the varying amount of letters in each typeface it was important to have this chart style design as I couldn't make the type all the same size due it exceeding the edge of the page.
  •  Decided that a central alignment would be to head-on and not represent the 'x' and 'y' axis of the chart fully. 
  • Left alignment would work a lot better with the purpose of the info-graphic.


Design decisions made:
  • Started with pound sign, as it is was reflective of 'spending cuts' , monetary value, however not aesthetically pleasing. 
  • Moved onto the board held by a person reflective of who the message is coming from, however didn't find the design powerful enough to communicate the message.  
  • decides to connote 'conserve' and 'not cut' through body language, therefore tried to apply hand signs and symbolisations however the overall rough sketch didn't seem promising.

Design decisions made: 
  • Downwards thumb didn't really work it didn't reflect this idea of British politics as this poster is the main indicator of the subject area, so I decided the flag would be more reflective and obvious.
  • Stretch the flag out to fill the entire page however experiment with placing it in the middle too, decided to be confident with the image and type and not be scared of white spacing.
  • Invert the colours so that they are the type is visible, decided to stick to having the type coloured as the stock (white).
  • Sticking to simplistic type which is fairly formal, used in news paper articles, sense of speech to it, as if somebody is telling you directly.


Design decisions made:
  • Started with the thumbs down similar to the rough design of the text an image design.
  • Moved onto relating 'Cut' more directly by drawing a pair of scissors to represent.
  • Then decided to have a play with the composition of the scissors, turning the horizontally and vertically.  

Design decisions made:

  • After paying with the composition I decided to further develop this idea of 'cutting' by removing certain areas of the scissors to represent this.
  • Resulted in the scissors being dissected into pieces however the maintenance of the silhouette shape remaining so audience can still configure the object.


Started off by selecting one design from my thumbnail designs, when looking at my sketched and asking others which design seemed the strongest to develop they selected this one however after developing it on Photoshop it seemed far to bland standing on its own (as seen above). I think that looking at this design the type should be in white. 

As you can see in this image I decided to actually the shape of the letterforms from the flag, in comparison to the previous stage I feel that this design seems has much more substance and weight to it,  thus feeling more powerful and assertive.

After deciding that this design is a lot stronger than the previous I decided to move onto the scale that the image and type should be on the 420mm x 210mm page. Due to the fact that the background of the other two posters were intentionally going to be red and blue I instinctively felt that this poster needed to be white.

Although I had an instinctive feeling to leave the background I decided to meddle with the size of the image and type and see what it would look like if the entire white spacing was covered, as we can see this stretched the type as well as falling off the edges of the page.



Started off by simply by placing my first 'budget' allowance group, the biggest group/sector of money, I put this in a more simplistic typeface as I felt that the first words should be the most legible as it will make the audience much more aware of the formal subject area that the piece is touching on.

From this point onwards I decided to alternate between the two typefaces, firstly due to the fact that it would help the audience differentiate between the two words thus strengthening the digestion of the meaning of each word and secondly because I wanted the posters have a sense of speech to them, similar to the way newspapers use there typographic headline to directly speak to the audience.

After applying all the type itself and aligning it in this diagonal manner I then decided to experiment with the composition of the type in based on leaving the type in the diagonal alignment however moving the group type into different positions on the page using the guidelines as a grid.



From my initial designs stage I was fairly confident on the design outcome for this image design and the content that it would consist of. The scissor design was the most prominent and most representative of the 'spending cuts' and as we can see from the A2 development I decided to experiment with the composition and its overall development in a greater depth in comparison to any other design idea. As the other two poster designs backgrounds were red and white I decided to continue with this theme and make this background design blue in order to connote the British flag. 

I simply drew the pair of scissors by hand, scanned the design into photoshop, inverted the design and made it into a negative silhouette, applied then applied to crisp white colour onto the soothing blue background, I immediately found the contrast rather drawing and it was clear to identify what the silhouette image. 



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