Sunday 30 December 2012

STUDY TASK 2 - The Birth of a Font

Using our Roman, Gothic, Script and Block fonts we were asked to deconstruct each letterform and reconstruct these using the different elements to create variations of new possible letterforms. UPPPER CASE A VARIATIONS LOWER CASE A VARIATIONS UPPER CASE B VARIATIONS LOWER CASE B VARIATIONS UPPERCASE C VARIATIONS LOWER CASE C VARIATIONS 5 VARIATIONS CHOSEN FROM THE NEW CONSTRUCTIONS:
Once deciding upon the 5 chosen variations shown above we were then asked to hand render the lower and upper case Aa Bb Cc Xx Yy Zz on tracing paper.

Saturday 22 December 2012


As well as learning new software during the first term of this course we have now been asked once having attended a tutorial in Adobe Photoshop to produce a set of postcards. These postcards should should explorer the given shapes that we have been designated, in my case this is the shape circle. Although we have been asked to work with this circular shape the postcard itself does not necessarily have to have to be circular it has to built upon a circular theme however this may be.

The images that we have been asked to work with have to be taken within the college environment, wether this may be looking from indoors to the outdoors or whether it maybe photographing objects around the college.

The first step I have taken into responding to this brief is taking the brief at face value by photographing     things which I could possibly edit and build upon which have a circular form.


Range of photographs taken: As there are not a large amount I have decided not to make a contact sheet, however if there were more photographs than these then I would have put the images onto a contact sheet.

After looking back at my photographs I decided to conduct some research upon postcards and see what kind of postcards would help me produce my set of 5, this research is posted onto my context practice blog.

After looking at existing postcards I decided to re-evaluate the photographs that I had taken and identify a common theme within these photographs. I came to a realisation that I had taken a fair few photographs of content that was based around the theme of fire, sound, and light. 

Initial designs based upon these thoughts:

Chosen Photographs:

Out of the collection of photos I have gathered I have decided to select these 5 to work with and edit on photoshop in order to create my postcard. 

Development of designs:

Postcard 1:

Postcard 2:

Postcard 3:

Postcard 4:

Postcard 5:

As you can see through my development the process that I have taken in terms of editing and manipulating images and photographs is similar on each designs, the basic procedure in editing being selecting the content of the photograph using the selection tool, changing the form of the photograph, then increasing or decreasing the brightness and contract followed by duplicating and readjusting the size of each circle and creating a clear point of perspective. 


Front & back postcard 1 

Front & back postcard 2

Front & back postcard 3:

Front & back postcard 4:

Front & back postcard 5: